Friday, June 23, 2006

361st FADIG Meeting

Date:Saturday,July 8th,2006
Time:2:30-4:30 p.m.
Place:(leave a message if you are interested in this meeting,please)
Program:"British Festivals & the English Education System"
by Mr.Kieren G.

Mr. G was born in London (UK) and brought up mainly in the UK,though he spent three years in Boston (USA) for junior high school .He studied Russian and American history, politics and society at the University of East Anglia(U.E.A),Norwich.He came to Japan in 2001.He is currently teaching English as an NET (Native English Teacher) at junior high schools and elementary schools in Neyagawa.He is interested in history(particularly European and Japanese).

Friday, June 9, 2006

360th FADIG Meeting

Date:Saturday,June 17th,2006
Time:2:30-4:30 p.m.
Place:(leave a message if you are interested in this meeting,please)
Program:"How I Became Interested in Baseball in Japan."
by Ms.Colleen B.

Ms.B was born and raised in Houston.She moved to Portland,Oregon at the age of 18.
She studied at Lewis and Clark College in Portland. She came to Japan in 2004.
She is currently at ALT at M.N High School and H. High School.She can speak some Japanese ,German , and French.
She is interested in international studies ,cross-cultural communication.
This is her second speech for us in FADIG.She made her last speech in April this year.

356th-359th FADIG meeting(2006)

356th FADIG Meeting
Date:Saturday,Junuary 14th ,2006
Program:"My Hometown Baliuag and the Influence of a Japanese Lady Named
Kiyo-san "by Ms.Neriza S.S.

Ms.S was born and raised in the Philippines. She majored in Drama and Theater Arts and minored in Literature in Philippine Normal State University.After graduation,she was appointed to teach in the Drama and Speech Department of PNSU.She came to Japan in 1981 and is currently a lectuer of the Department of Philippine Studies at Osaka University of Foreign Studies.She is interested in original plays or musicals that depict the lives of Filipinos living abroad.She made a speech at our Meeting in January and December of 2004.

357th FADIG Meeting
Date:Saturday,February 18th ,2006
Program:"Foods in Canada?""Kids!Youth Education:A Growing Problem?"by Mr.Shawn H.

Mr.H was born and raised in Toronto,Ontario,Canada.He studied art & art history at the University of Toronto and Sheridan College.
He came to Japan in February,2001.He is currently teaching English as an NET(Native English Teacher)at jujior high schools and elementary schools in Neyagawa.This is his second speech for us.He made his first speech last July.

358th FADIG Meeting
Date:Saturday,APril 15th ,2006
Program:"The Importance of International Understanding"by Ms.Colleen B.

Ms.B was born and raised in Houston,Texas until she was 18 years old,then Portland,Oregon in the USA.She studied international affairs and German Studies at Lawis and Clark College in Portland.She came to Japan in August,2004.She is currently and ALT at Minami Neyagawa High School and Hirakata High School.
She is interested in International studies,cross-cultural communications.She is also interested in foreign languages - German,French,Japanese.

359th FADIG Meeting
Date:Saturday,May 13th,2006
Program:"The Rainbow Nation" by Ms.Lizelle B.

Ms.B was born in New Castle ,Natal Province,South Africa.She moved to the Northwest Province where she was raised from the age of seven.She came to Japan in 2003.She is curently working in the office of Japan Mission, doing correspondence work with countries al over the world,mainly with South Africa.
She teaches English at churches all over the Kansai area and partly teaches the bible,too.

Thursday, June 1, 2006




 英語の正式な名前はForeign Affairs Discussion Group といい、1970年に発足した英語の先生の二つの自主的な勉強会が合体して出来たもので、約30年以上続いているものです。
 もう一つの会は、1969年、万国博の前年にスタート。鈴木要蔵先生の世話で、40人ほどの中学の英語の先生が、聞く話すを重点にした研究会をもち、International Affairs Discussion Group と名付け、万国博の期間中、ホームスティや学校訪問、交流会の世話や、善意通訳をつとめたりしました。この会もまたその後、アメリカ文化センター等で会合をもち、外国人の話を聞いたり、輪読会をしていたのですが、いつのまにかこの二つの会合が一つになり、名前も国際理解懇談会(FADIG)と呼び、今日にいたっています。最近の20年間以上は、毎月一回会合をもっていますが、3月と8月は会合を持っていません。

